Sunday, January 07, 2007
Holy CRAP ten days is a long time to go without internet service
Several months ago, say, Septemberish? we were told by our phone company, during, I might add, a call that had absolutely nothing to do with our internet service, that Yahoo! DSL had an upgrade for our area. Not one to look faster service in the mouth, we said yes have some and signed on. At first there didn't appear to be much of a difference, but we couldn't really be bothered with that because we still had access to the web and all was right with the world. And then we noticed that instead of our service being faster, it had slowed down, and still we didn't call because it was annoying but somehow tolerable. Eventually, things went from slow to stop and we were forced to call in. Turns out the lines in our one-stop-light little town are not conditioned for the upgrade we signed on for. So, we were knocked back down to our previous package and everything was a go once more. Long story short (too late), I was on a forced hiatus. But now I'm back, and just in time for self-portrait Sunday! How excited are you?

To be fair, this is portrait rather than a self-portrait. It was taken by Katie on the last evening of the last day of 2006.

To be fair, this is portrait rather than a self-portrait. It was taken by Katie on the last evening of the last day of 2006.
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It looks like I took that picture from underneath an invisibility cloak.
I'm glad your Internets are back!
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I'm glad your Internets are back!
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