Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hooray! There's still time to put this up before Sunday draws to a close.
We were in Ponca City for a goodly chunk of the evening visiting with Justin's co-worker, Linda. She invited us over for a dinner of broccoli casserole, salad and tilapia followed by fudge brownies topped with vanilla ice cream and smothered in Hershey's chocolate for dessert. (I'm starting to notice that food plays a significant role in my outtings as an adult.)
Before we left, she presented me with a small journal to write down all the neat, adorable, fun things Maya says and does as she grows, things that I will likely forget no matter how hard I try not to. She kept a similar journal for her children and it is now one of their favorite books to read through as adults. I had every intention of doing this myself (really, I did!), but now here it is almost two years later... Well, anyway. I have a journal now and will most certainly put it to good use. Thank you, Linda.
We made it home in time to catch the last half of the Sopranos. Only, like a dummy, I didn't wander into the living room until the last five minutes or so. Holy crap was about all I could muster.. when I finally took my hand away from my mouth. And then there was no 'next on' to tease us into a frenzie before next Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch the first 55 minutes sometime this week.
And with that, another weekend has come and gone. 2444 or so to go.