Saturday, January 20, 2007


Resolutions: 2007

Because it's easier to fudge on a few items on your smallish list of 'secret' goals if no one knows...

In 2007, I resolve to:

* ditch thirty pounds
* start monthly outings up again (see there? two resolutions into the list and I'm already thinking about food)
* learn more about photography
* make better use of my camera
* buy this lens
* read at least one book each month (and JS&MN must be one of the titles)
* attend a service at Mayflower Church
* potty train little girl
* get more organized at work and home
* buy some new shoes already

I will be happy to help with any resolution that involves eating more food, and also, any that involves you coming down here for the weekend and taking in a Mayflower service.

I'm just sayin' is all.
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