Friday, June 15, 2007


Divine Intervention

There is a bathroom tucked away on the first floor of our office. This bathroom features a single stall and a door that locks and it doesn’t typically get a whole lot of traffic, all important features for to the social worker who doesn’t like to do a two in the company of other social workers. As a bonus, there is a Holy Bible nestled on the back of the toilet with the other more secular reading material, because you just never know when the word of God might come in handy.

It was to this bathroom that I referred my co-worker when she announced she had to go. Yeah, it’s farther away. But the privacy! And, of course, there’s that bible. Bibliomancy while you wait! I said. Meditate on a specific question or problem, then flip open to a random page to see what God has to say on the matter. She was stoked. She went downstairs.

A few minutes later, she came back to her cubicle. I popped my head around the corner. “So, what’s the good word?” “Woe to the complacent. Amos 6.” This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Thanks for the people can put a face to the worker who doesn't like to "do a two" in the company of other social workers! :)
Oh well, we all poop!
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