Wednesday, August 29, 2007



I'm sick. My nose has been producing an impressive amount of snot over the last week, and a few days ago cough was added to my short list of symptoms, which was previously limited to three: sniffling, stuffy head, and goo factory. Coughing, it hurts me.

I've discovered that certain things become more of a challenge when your nose doesn't work. For instance, it is harder to sleep or tell knock knock jokes or ride a bike (heck, just thinking about it this evening made me wheeze) or whistle the theme to Coupling or to sniff your daughter's stank toes or, say, beat box. I've been trying to learn through Biz's Beat of the Day, and this cold has kind of set me back a bit. And I like to dance as much as the next kid, but there's no WAY I'll be able to keep up with Oskar until I feel better.

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