Saturday, September 02, 2006


I Feel Pretty

I watch Days of Our Lives most every day on my lunch hour. It has always been my mother's soap opera of choice, so I've been watching Days since I was a tot-sized Nanda... with a brief hiatus in college - I refused to watch after Marlena became possessed by the devil, only to get lured back in a few years later when Mom started watching Maya and Days was the noontime viewing.

For the last few weeks, NBC has been running this Nike commercial during Days, and I must say it has one of the most annoyingly infectious songs ever. It's one of those songs that you don't necessarily realize you've been carrying around with you until you find yourself humming or singing it hours later at your desk. And then you start a discussion with co-workers about the lyrics because all this time, you thought Maria felt pretty and witty and gay, but in the commercial they sing pretty, witty, and BRIGHT. And when you're in the middle of singing the first bit for someone for the umpteenth time that day, hoping they'll be the someone to finally put this mystery to rest so you can go about your day (la la la la la), the phone rings and it's a client and when she asks how you're doing, you still have that song swimming in your head so, naturally, you reply "I feel pre- *pause* fine."

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