Sunday, August 13, 2006
Self-portrait with the hot sound guy

On Thursday I ditched work to take lots and lots of pictures and be a general nuisance (my camera and I were only shushed once during the shoot) on the set of Indian Girl. Hey, if you're going to miss work, do it for the right reasons. In between takes, I got to hang out with one of the hottest crews ever, and make the occasional run for necessities. But most of the day was spent behind my own camera or gawking or both. And when I wasn't doing that, I was melting. Temperatures topped out that day at 111 with a heat index of 236 (on the Finslippy scale).
The crew took a break from filming over the weekend, but will be hard at it again bright and early Monday morning, this time out at Sooner Land and Livestock. Giddyup!
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Man, I can't even get that hot sound guy to comment on my blog, and here you are in a picture with him? So not fair.
(I like the photo, though.)
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(I like the photo, though.)
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