Wednesday, November 01, 2006
It's not easy being green
We decided to get Little Girl a frog costume for this year's door-to-door candy solicitation. It was either that or a giraffe, and since neither of us were quite certain exactly what sound a giraffe makes, we went with the frog. Ribbit, ribbit.
Before Halloween, my main concern had been whether or not the costume would be the right size. This fear was quickly replaced by a new, unexpected one Halloween day when her grandmother slipped her into the costume for first time (it fit!) and Little Girl let us know by way of a tantrum exactly how much she hated that frog suit. Grandma rescued her from the costume and round one went to Maya.
We were eventually able to distract her with a Halloween balloon long enough to get her into the costume without much of a fuss, though she still wasn't all that keen on being in it.

She brightened a bit after she had been in it for a little while... and she made the connection between her outfit and all the delicious suckers.

She was pretty much good to go after that. We made a quick candy run, mostly to homes of friends and family who had asked us to come by, and then went home to thaw and sift through this year's haul (which primarily consisted of an assortment of ...suckers).

Oh, and if by chance any of you do in fact know what sound a giraffe makes, please let me know. Happy Halloween!
Before Halloween, my main concern had been whether or not the costume would be the right size. This fear was quickly replaced by a new, unexpected one Halloween day when her grandmother slipped her into the costume for first time (it fit!) and Little Girl let us know by way of a tantrum exactly how much she hated that frog suit. Grandma rescued her from the costume and round one went to Maya.
We were eventually able to distract her with a Halloween balloon long enough to get her into the costume without much of a fuss, though she still wasn't all that keen on being in it.

She brightened a bit after she had been in it for a little while... and she made the connection between her outfit and all the delicious suckers.

She was pretty much good to go after that. We made a quick candy run, mostly to homes of friends and family who had asked us to come by, and then went home to thaw and sift through this year's haul (which primarily consisted of an assortment of ...suckers).

Oh, and if by chance any of you do in fact know what sound a giraffe makes, please let me know. Happy Halloween!