Monday, September 04, 2006


The End

Saturday afternoon, Justin took little girl to the park to play while I stuck around the house for a rare and much appreciated snooze. When they got back, Justin woke me up to fill me in on the day's adventures. Maya met some other kids at the park and had a grand time playing with them. Or alongside them. Anyway, after a bit, the parents and kids all made the inevitable drift over to the swings. One little girl kept asking her dad to push her higher and higher. She would lean waaay back, legs stretched out straight, between pushes. Unfortunately, one time she leaned back too far and scraped her head on the ground below. The dad scooped up his daughter and rushed her to the car. Maya became really quiet as they hurried across the park. As the dad slid the injured girl into the car, Justin reassured Maya that the girl was going to be just fine. Another silence. As the car drove off, Maya turned back to Justin and said, "The end."

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