Saturday, April 08, 2006



About the middle-ish of March, I put myself on a diet. Seriously this time. And, really, except for the occasional slip here and there, I've been able to stick to it. I knew if I did anything too drastic, I'd never make it. So instead of jumping into some complicated fad diet with all sorts of crazy restrictions (give me carbohydrates or give me death), I made a few simple changes to my regular diet: lots of fish, no red meat, lots of water (and, consequently, LOTS of trips to the bathroom - that counts as exercize, right?), smaller portions, no seconds, thirds, elevensies, no late night meals & munching, fewer sweets, and limiting fast food to...Subway (I'm horribly addicted to six-inch oven roasted chicken breast sandwiches on wheat). Nothing too terrible.

Around the same time, my brother-in-law also started dieting. He's divided the total weight he wishes to lose into manageable monthly goals, which is a loss of about five or six pounds each month. Pretty smart. Since I'm all kinds of lazy, I've made his goals my goals and have been secretly following along. So far, I've managed to drop about seven pounds.

I'm still not really exercizing. I always take the stairs at work, though that's due more to a fear of the office's rickety old elevator than an attempt to be more active, and I do the odd set of squats or lunges during the day. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in some sort of regular routine soon, say walking thirty minutes or so a day or, God forbid, hanging out with Debbie Siebers three times a week. For now, I've primarily been focused on not feeding my face so much... and being a little nicer to myself while I deal with my weight issues.

Everyone says it's about lifestyle change. The problem with most diets is that they ask you to restrict yourself a lot. While those diets tend to get bigger results in a smaller time frame, you never ever stick to them. Sounds like you've found a way to lose weight slowly and comfortably and in such a way that you could actually change your lifestyle and maintain it.
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