Friday, February 03, 2006


Making a joyful noise unto myself

Apparently, I am incapable of being in the shower without singing. It is never something I set out to do. It just sort of happens. A lot. It is completely involuntary, the songs are surprisingly random, and it usually happens when I'm shampooing my hair.

This morning I managed to make it half way through the chorus of Kung Fu Fighting before I realized what the hell I was doing. Frankly, it WAS a little bit frightening. Especially since I don't even like that song.

I'm not much of a shower singer, but put me in a car and I'm a Rock Star. Seriously, I'm awesome in a car.
When I first read this yesterday, I thought you'd been singing the chorus to Kung Fu HUSTLE to yourself. Reading it again today, it makes SO much more sense.
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