Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today is the tomorrow I worried about three weeks ago

Staying up until midnight to watch movies seems like an okay idea -- at the time you're sitting all zombie-like in front of your television watching the pretty moving pictures. The full stupidity of your actions doesn't hit you until the next morning when the alarm angrily yells for you to get up already, ya lazy bum. Eventually, you comply by rolling clumsily out of bed and wandering blurry-eyed in the direction you HOPE leads to the bathroom.

In the end, I have to believe that Wallace & Gromit were worth the sleep loss. Just Like Heaven , though cute in that cutesy way you expect romantic comedies to be, would not have warranted the late hour on its own, no matter HOW much of a hottie Mark Ruffalo is. Curse of the Were-Rabbit was a smashing fun romp. Two enthusiastic bunny ears up. Easily my choice for Best Animated Feature. But I'm a biased fan like that.

I've been unusually calm this morning given that the day of my doctor's appointment has FINALLY arrived. I think it's because by the end of the day I will have some sort of resolution. And because I'm too tired for the part of my brain that worries to function properly. Thanks, Wallace and Gromit! I expect my stomach will start working its way into a tight knot at some point during the drive over to Bartlesville. If not sooner.

[Edit: I don't enjoy doctoring, and I hate yearly physical exams with a white hot passion, so I would expect my stomach to knot at some point during the day even without the presence of a lumpy-something. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Really.]

Just look at it this way: When was the last time you got felt up by somebody that wasn't your daughter or your husband. In my mind today is a pretty damn good day.

Admitt it. That's why you're not nervous.
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